Table of Contents

iViewer Protocol

iViewer (our mobile control app) has a built in protocol for expressing UI events such as button presses and slider drags. We call this the 'iViewer Protocol'.

The protocol can also handle updating the UI from external control.

Message Format

All messages in the iViewer Protocol take the form of:


Each message is delimited with the End Of Message (EOM) hex value of 03. This delimiter will appear as \x03 in all message examples throughout this document.


The following identifiers are valid within the protocol:

Digital, Analog and Serial join identifiers must be combined with a join number (starting at 1). For example d12=0\x03, where the join number is 12.

Digital Joins

Digital joins can have a value of either 0 or 1 (low or high, off or on). A typical Digital join message looks like this:


The above message sets digital join 1 to a value o f 1 (high).

The following GUI elements make use of Digital joins:

  1. Buttons - Note: Simulation mode does NOT affect the communications. Messages are always sent for press/release events, regardless of the button state.
    1. Changes button state depending on value (0 = inactive state, 1 = active state).
    2. On Press, sets the join value to 1 (high).
    3. On Release, sets the join value to 0 (low).
  2. Sliders
    1. On Press, sets the join value to 1 (high).
    2. On Release, sets the join value to 0 (low).
  3. Input Fields
    1. Button press on same join as input field forces input field to send its text value to the Server.
  4. Pages
    1. Flip to a page when its join goes high.
  5. Subpages
    1. Show subpage when its join goes high.
    2. Close subpage when its join goes low.
  6. Webpages
    1. To refresh, stop, go forward/backward
  7. Video objects
    1. To play/pause or stop the video stream.

Analog Joins

Analog joins can have a value of between 0 and 65535 inclusive. A typical Analog join message looks like this:


The above message sets Analog join 23 to a value of 54677.

The following GUI elements make use of Analog joins:

  1. Gauges
    1. Sets the value of the gauge, 0 being lowest, 65535 being highest.
  2. Sliders
    1. Sets the value of the slider, 0 being lowest, 65535 being highest.
    2. On Press, Drag and Release, sets the join value to the relative value based on pressed/dragged position within the slider.
    3. Slider indicator value is calculated from its analog join value, using the Slider’s min and max attributes to scale the value.

Serial Joins

Serial joins can have any string value. A typical Serial join message looks like this:

s12=Hello World!\x03

The above message sets Serial join 12 to a value of ‘Hello World!’ (without quotes).

The following GUI elements make use of Serial joins:

  1. Text
    1. Sets the value of the text object to be displayed.
  2. Buttons
    1. Inactive and Active states each can have a Serial join to dynamically change the button’s text value.
  3. Images
    1. Dynamically change the image’s path to load a dynamic image via the web, or an image included in the current GUI.
  4. Input Fields
    1. Set the displayed text within the Input Field.
    2. When a button is pressed on the same digital join as the input field, the Input Field’s text value is sent to the processor.
  5. Web objects
    1. Set the URL of the webpage to be displayed.
    2. To show the title of the page being displayed in a text field, etc.
  6. Video Objects
    1. Set the URL for the video stream.

Password Validation

Connections between iViewer and Server can be password protected to prevent someone connecting to your Server without authorization. The password is set on the Server side, and in the system settings in your guiDesigner projects.

At the initialization of a communication session between iViewer and the Server, iViewer will send a message containing the connection password.

The Server will then respond with a message telling iViewer whether or not the password has been accepted.

The message sequence goes like this:

  1. Connection made
  2. iViewer sends password
    1. p=<PasswordValueEnteredInSettings>\x03
  3. If the password matches what’s in the Server settings, the Server will reply with:
    1. p=ok\x03
  4. If the password doesn’t match, the Server will reply with:
    1. p=bad\x03

If the password doesn’t match, iViewer will not load the GUI and will show an error message to the user informing them of the password error.


Once the password has been authenticated, iViewer will send the following initialization message:


The Server will then reply with a group of messages informing the Viewer of any join state values. Only joins with values other than 0 (for Digital and Analog joins) or blank (for Serial joins) will be included in this group of messages.

This is simply used to initialize the GUI state, updating button states, slider values, text values, etc.

A typical group of initialization messages will look like this:

d12=1\x03a1=4555\x03s43=Hello World!\x03

As you can see, this is just a group of standard join messages (as described earlier in this document) concatenated, each message ending with the delimiter value of hex 03.

Whenever a message is received by the Server, it should always check for multiple commands in the one message, and split then parse them appropriately.

Orientation Mode Change

iViewer supports two orientations, portrait and landscape. This is utilized in iViewer (for iOS and Android) when rotating the device.

When the orientation mode of iViewer changes, it sends the following command, depending on the mode being changed to:




Again, the value is the orientation mode being change to.

Heartbeat Message

iViewer utilizes a heartbeat message to ensure the connection between the mobile device and the Server remains stable.

iViewer sends a heartbeat command every 3 seconds, and expects to receive a reply heartbeat command within 5 seconds or it will show a message warning the user that the connection is experiencing difficulties.

iViewer sends the following heartbeat command:


and expects the heartbeat reply message of:


Dynamic, scrolling Lists

The iViewer application has a very flexible list generation system that allows creation of custom lists with a large emphasis on customizability.

Due to this flexibility, the protocol for sending list data and parsing list feedback is a lot more complex than the rest of the protocol.

Lists can be created in vertical and horizontal orientations, allowing scrolling in one direction (either horizontally or vertically).

Lists are separated into 4 main ‘items’ (which are defined as subpages in guiDesigner). Header, Title, Content and Footer.

Each item can contain any number of GUI objects, such as text, buttons, images, gauges, etc. The only objects that cannot appear on an item’s subpage are input fields and other subpages.

The header item appears only once in the list at the very top (or left if using horizontal lists). The header is optional and only appears if defined in guiDesigner.

Title items can appear multiple times in a list. These should be designed in a way to separate content meaningfully, such as separating a list of artists alphabetically, grouping artists starting with ‘A’, ‘B’, etc, together.

Content items are the main part of lists where your information should be displayed.

Footer items appear only once at the very bottom (or right) of the list. Footer element will be visible only if the list object defines the Footer subpage within guiDesigner.

List generation is quite an intensive process, so we recommend keeping list items as light as possible. Assigning a background color to the list object itself will in turn disable transparency for all other list subpages, drastically increasing performance. So this is a route we recommend for all heavy list usage.

List Generation Protocol

  REC_SEP = \x0D

l<list join>=<row command>REC_SEP<row command>REC_SEP ... REC_SEP\x03

Row commands:
 <row index><command><FIELD_SEP>[fields definition]

Available Commands (# = <row index>, 0 based):
 #t   title element at row #
 #c   content element at row #
 #it  insert title element at row #
 #ic  insert content element at row #
 #i:<subpage name>  insert arbitrary subpage at row#
 #d   delete element at row #
 #-#d delete range of elements from rows # to # (inclusive)
 0x   clear the entire list contents
 s    scroll list (see below)

Fields definition:
 <join in subpage>=<join value><FIELD_SEP>

List Scrolling:

  * index: the index of the row we want to scroll to
  * type: desired position on screen:
    * 0: position row 'index' at top of display
    * 1: position row 'index' at middle of display
    * 2: position row 'index' at bottom of display
    * 3: scroll by 'index' rows (can be negative)
    * 4: scroll at absolute pixel value 'index' (for pixel-perfect positioning)
    * 5: position row 'index' anywhere in display
  * animated: whether the scroll operation should be animated (1 or 0)

List Examples

Below are some examples of how to generate list data. Please note that any line wrapping in the below commands is to be ignored. All commands should be a single line of text.

Create a list on analog join 10, with one title row and two contents rows: l10=0t\x1Es1=title\x1Es2=subtitle\x1Ea1=50\x0D1c\x1Es1=content element 1\x0D2c\x1E s1=content element 2\x0D\x03

In the above example, the ‘title item subpage’ in guiDesigner has a single text object on join 1. The ‘content item subpage’ has a single text element on join 1 and a single gauge on analog join 1.

Clear the entire list on join 5: l5=0x\x03

Update element 2 in the list (on join 10): l10=1c\x1Es1=new value for content element 2\x0D\x03

Insert element between 1 and 2 in the list (on join 10): l10=1ic\x1Es2=inserted element\x0D\x03

Delete elements 1 and 2 in the list (on join 10): l10=0-1d\x0D\x03

List Feedback Protocol

Feedback from objects within list elements are very similar to that of normal GUI objects explained at the beginning of this document, with a little twist.

All list feedback data is pre-fixed with the list join, as well as the item number in the list the feedback is coming from. The format is as follows:

l<list join>:<item index>:<join>=<new value>

For example, the next example demonstrates feedback from a button on digital join 2 coming from list element 5 on list join number 3: l3:5:d2=1\x03

The data elements are separated with colons, with the standard message delimiter. The last element is exactly the same as a normal button press.

So using this data, you can determine which list, list element and GUI object the feedback came from and use the information as needed.